Author Archives: Vancouver Fertility Law

Teacher Files Human Rights Complaint for Insurer’s Failure to Cover Surrogate’s Fertility Drugs

I’m rooting for Greg Mountenay, an expectant dad, who has filed a claim with the Human Rights Tribunal against the Ontario Teachers Insurance Plan for failing to cover the cost of his surrogate’s fertility drugs.  The Insurer has said that the surrogate does not meet the definition of “dependent” under the Plan.  Good for Greg […]

Manitoba – New Surrogacy Legislation

In very welcome news, Manitoba now has provincial legislation dealing with surrogacy: Parentage | Province of Manitoba ( .  Manitoba has now taken a significant step forward to recognize modern ways of building families! I feel very fortunate to be in BC, which was the first province to bring in surrogacy and donor legislation in […]

Saskatchewan Updates Surrogacy & Donor Laws

Saskatchewan is set to enact its much anticipated Children’s Law Act which will at last provide legislative certainty regarding parentage in donor and surrogacy situations.  This is a celebrated achievement and reflects that modern realities of family building.  It is expected that the legislation will come into effect in March 2021.

It’s Official – Compensated Gestational Surrogacy Now Legal in NY

After years and years of effort, compensated gestational surrogacy is now legal in New York.  This is extremely welcome news for those with fertility issues and those in the LGBTQ community who need to turn to surrogacy to build their families.  This is exciting news from those of us looking from abroad and I continue […]

New York Legalizes Compensated Surrogacy

At last, after years and years of effort, New York’s new laws allowing for compensated surrogacy will soon come into effect. This is a tremendous achievement and will undoubtedly bring family building within reach for many in the LGBTQ+ community and those struggling with infertility.  I am hopeful that one day Canada will follow in […]

Compelling and Beautiful International Surrogacy Documentary

Every so often, you watch a movie that keeps you thinking about it even days later.  This was the case for me when I watched Ghosts of the Republique, a beautiful documentary that followed a gay French couple from the date of their marriage through to the birth of their first child who was born via […]

Review 10

“Lindsay was not only efficient but kind, caring and thoughtful through our surrogacy process which at times was very stressful, emotional and exhausting. Not only did she always take the time to answer our questions thoroughly and in a timely manner, but also with understanding and care. We highly recommend having her on your team […]